Cape Reinga at the northern tip of North Island is considered by Maori a jumping-off point for souls as they depart on the journey to their spiritual homeland. It definitely has that surreal end-of-the-world feeling as we stare into the surrounding waters on a beautiful morning. This is where Tasman Sea meets Pacific Ocean.
Cape Reinga
We get sand dune happy around Te Paki, close to 90 Mile Beach. Just like the rest of the Far North Region, this rough and beautiful area feels secluded and deserted, with barely any people, just cattle and sheep. In over an hour of driving we haven't passed another car on the road.
Contrast is what makes these places amazing, going from lush green... giant sweeps of sand
Te Paki sand dunes
Late afternoon we drive back south along the west coast. Small town of Opukete is captivating, tucked into a beautiful, lush mountain setting with sand dunes gazing back from across the bay and best fish’n chips we’ve had in NZ. Surreal light conditions painted with voluptuous storm clouds and setting sun the color of flowing lava render vegetation saturated lime, making contrast with the sky eye-popping. By the time we get down to the beach we’re out of breath, trying to capture as much of this fleeting moment as possible. This is by far the best off-the-beaten-track corner of New Zealand we’ve accidentally stumbled upon.
tasting of salt and sea this huge single portion of fish'n chips was perfection for $6 - and about half of what it costs anywhere else
Opukete - knocking off your feet beauty. New Zealand in a capsule.